Barrett Steel Ireland gain their EN1090 Certification in Factory Production Control

18 June 2021

We are now certified through the National Standards Authority Ireland to supply CE and UKNI marked materials and processing.

At Barrett Steel Ireland we remain committed to our client base and this means we strive to attain the highest standards possible in steel stocked. health and safety and steel processing. 

Operations Manager for Maghaberry Gary Sloan Commented: "We are excited to announce that we are now certified through the National Standards Authority Ireland to supply CE and UKNI marked materials & processing activities (Drill/Shotblast Paint etc) confidently within the ROI and other EU countries.

This is in addition to our UK based approvals CE & UKCA accredited through the SCCS ."

What is EN 1090?

BS EN 1090 for structural steel and aluminium is a requirement for products to be sold in Europe, and any organizations who design and/or manufacture steel or aluminium components must adhere to this standard.

Whether in the form of steel frames or metal roofing, any structural engineers, component manufacturers, and anyone with a hand in the steel or aluminium based components that go into metal buildings/building work should work to this standard. 

BS EN 1090 is a harmonized standard that covers structural/construction steel and aluminium products that are installed in a permanent manner. CE marking to BS EN 1090 is now a legal requirement as since July 2014, structural steelwork and aluminium fall under the Construction Products Regulation (CPR), which means aluminium or structural steel CE marking must be secured to show compliance with EN 1090-1 (the harmonised European standard that applies to structural metalwork).

This covers any structural component that has been designed and fabricated to meet the BS EN 1991 series of standards (Eurocode 3 and 9) for steel and aluminium structures in buildings. And you now need to show that they comply with BS EN 1090-1. 

For more information about Barrett Steels quality standards or to download our certification documents please head

Barrett Steel Ireland gain their EN1090 Certification in Factory Production Control

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