Barrett Board back Time for Change Pledge

13 September 2019

Barrett Steel further galvanised their support of Mind UK by signing the Time to Change Employers Pledge.
Barrett Steel has committed to tackling stigma and improving workplace mental health and well being.
James Barrett ,Group Managing Director, and Andy Warcup ,Chief Operating Officer,on behalf of the Barrett Steel Board of Directors and colleagues, pledged support for Time to Change at a signing ceremony held at Barrett Steel headquarters in Bradford today

By signing the Time to Change Employers Pledge, Barrett Steel Limited ,and its associated businesses, have committed to tackling stigma and improving workplace mental health and wellbeing. They join a growing movement of organisations that together, employ over two million people including Tesco, The Bank of England, Barclays, IBM,  SKY, Channel 4, British Gas, Ernst & Young, Transport for London, Stagecoach UK, Shell, Pepsico,  Marks and Spencer, all National Government Departments, and many NHS trusts, universities, schools and local authorities.

Since 2009, Time to Change has been supporting employers to a create more open and understanding cultures around mental health problems in the workplace, assisting employers to develop their workplace wellbeing interventions and action plans and providing a range of free resources, training and networking events.

Jo Loughran, Director of Time to Change said: “By signing the pledge, Barrett Steel are showing a real commitment to changing the way we all think and act about mental health in the workplace.”

Time to Talk Day may have passed this year but Barrett Steel are commited to the aim to get as many people as possible talking about mental health so will be holding their own Time to Talk Day across 26 depots over the coming weeks.

People can struggle to talk about mental health, so this year, Time to Change is highlighting that there are lots of different ways to have a conversation about mental health. And you don’t have to be an expert to talk. For information about Time to Talk Day and how you can get involved please visit


Barrett Board back Time for Change Pledge

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