Barrett Steel Delivering Net Zero Carbon By 2035

20 January 2022

A greener future for steel stockholding and supply
Barrett Steel Group pledges to accelerate companywide strategies to greatly reduce carbon emissions and commits its intent to reaching net zero for all global Scope 1 in addition to Scope 2 emissions targets by 2035

At Barrett Steel we have a long-standing history of investing in & installing renewable energy systems across our group sites, with 25% of our sites now supported with on-site solar panels & an on-going commitment to install more.
Whilst we continue to watch with interest advancing technologies, decisions on the procurement of new equipment are made with our carbon footprint in mind. Our HGV fleet is over 50% Euro VI compliant engines with an extensive programme in place to make this 100% within 3 years. Alongside this, our Materials Handling fleet of Forklifts and Sideloaders has been & will continue to be upgraded from diesel to electric.
100% of the electricity used in business operations is directly sourced from green/carbon neutral providers. The small amount of waste generated is used to create new energy via offsite Anaerobic Digestive technology.
Our commitment to be net zero carbon by 2035 is in alliance with our ISO 14001 & BES 6001 certifications for quality and sustainable sourcing across the business.
In addition to the Groups own Net Carbon Zero pledge, Barrett Steel were the first UK stockholder to commit to The Climate Group #SteelZero initiative promising to work collaboratively alongside its members to influence Net Zero Steel globally.
Barrett Steel’s commitment to cleaner, greener steel is clear. As the UK’s largest steel stockholder & processor, our participation in the #SteelZero project already generates opportunities to share best practices to achieve the highest standards for sustainability across the industry.
To meet global Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions targets by 2035 ambitious near-term targets have been identified. Supported with adequate investments, developments in technology and associated schemes that will assist in the achievement of our objectives. The devastating effects of the climate disasters over the past few months and years could not be a clearer sign of the urgent need to address climate change now.
As a group we have been setting and achieving goals to reduce GHG emissions across its infrastructure for some years. Individual strategies we will be implement as a Group to reach net zero are detailed clearly in our roadmap.
Our commitment today does not mark the start of our net zero journey. For many years, the Barrett Steel Group has worked towards a sustainable future for all, by reducing emissions and reducing material waste in addition to reduce/reuse & recycle incentives throughout the business’s operations.
Examples of our current commitments are:
  • The installation of solar panels at 7 of our operational sites.
  • A 100% commitment to source electricity for use within group business activities.
  • Waste segregation to reduce to landfill & promote energy production from waste.
  • Upgrading Material Handling fleet to greener models.
  • Investing in greener fleet & company car choices.
  • Incorporating “Green Steel” in the erection of our facilities and buildings
  • Investment in community projects such as “Sea Bins” for cleaner seas in Shoreham Port.
“Barrett Steel has always been committed to sustainability. I am proud of the journey that we have already made and our ambitious commitment to achieve net zero by 2035. By working closely with our customers, suppliers and colleagues I hope that we can be a ripple in the pond that contributes to the environmental evolution in our sector.” – Guy Barrett: Group Purchasing Director

For more information on our commitment to Net Zero please read and download our full Road Map document here.
Barrett Steel Delivering Net Zero Carbon By 2035

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